We’re excited to have you attend our 80th Anniversary celebrations.
Here is some additional information you might find helpful in the lead up to our event.
Various accommodation has been reserved for our guests at:
Hotel Renmark
08 8586 6755Renmark Apartments
1300 855 563Berri Hotel
08 8582 1411
If wanting to book, please arrange this yourself by phoning one of the above and ask if reserved rooms (under Almondco) are available. This will be at your own cost.
If needing assistance, please contact Nicole Forsyth on 08 8586 8824
We have a very special evening planned in our spruced up raw material warehouse, with long table dining, catered food and beverages and entertainment to make it a memorable occasion.
Turn onto Airport Road off Sturt Highway
Turn left onto Gregory Road
Follow road to the end, enter through Almondco rear gate and follow signage
Click here for a print friendly version of our offical invitation.